Monday, September 04, 2006

Summer of 2006, pt. 12

Now for the final post of the summer (now fall) of 2006:

- It wouldn't do justice to my experiences this summer to describe the changes I have undergone in a single post. I will just talk about them briefly:

1) Social: I know now that I am not alone. One of the biggest problems that we Christians face as law students is social isolation, to varying degrees depending on the school and the kind of environment in which we are placed. One way in which the Blackstone really helped me was to make me see that there are scores, hundreds of other law students out there, across the country, who feel as passionately as I do about the future of this country, and preserving traditional values for our grandchildren. This has given me a renewed sense of strength as I move into my second year.
2) Professional: I intend to try and expand my reading list to include books outside the regular curriculum, such as those by Blackstone, Coke, and others. It will help to sharpen my mind by introducing me to the philosophy behind the law I am studying, and will ultimately make me a more effective advocate.
3) Spiritual: This summer was a time of spiritual revival for me; as I said earlier, it has taken coming to the desert to get me out of the desert in which I had been wandering at times throughout college. I experienced some of the deepest and most meaningful times of worship while in Phoenix, and during Phase II. I intend to keep going what I acquired this summer-an even deeper and more abiding love for the Lord, that will carry over to my law school studies.

These are probably some of the biggest ways the Blackstone affected me. Not an exhaustive list by any means, but a few things to think about.

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