Saturday, January 06, 2007

L'audace, l'audace, toujours l'audace!

This will be the new theme of my search for a job this summer-boldness, boldness, in all things boldness. This was the quote of the Prussian king Frederick the Great in one of his military journals, and this is the approach I need to take to looking for a job in the new year.

Here is where I found the quote:

Don't misunderstand me-boldness does not mean pestering potential employers, or going beyond the bounds of civility and decorum expected of members of the legal profession. But it does mean that persistence is what I need to prevail. The repeated phone calls, multiple faxing of resumes and cover letters, and increased networking opportunities is what is going to get me noticed-and this means taking an approach with more initiative and energy than ever before.

Ultimately, this is going to be the first test of my ability to argue persuasively and effectively on behalf of a cause-my own employment. And I need to be able to do the job better than the other dozen or so individuals who are likely gunning for the same job.

But there is one thing that has changed the equation. Two days ago, I felt despondent over my job search-that I wasn't hired after interviewing with several big firms through OCI (on-campus interviewing), and that while I have received at least one job offer, I am still pursuing employment in Akron and Columbus. In the midst of this, I prayed about the situation. I asked God to take over and bless my job search, that I was putting it in His hands where He chose to have me work this summer. And while I still have to work at times to keep a positive attitude, the Lord has responded. I know now that while I have to search vigorously, and leave no stone unturned, that He will lead me where I need to go.

So while I could have been bold all along in seeking out a clerkship for next summer, with each phone call, each job interview, each resume that is sent out, my attitude will be one of boldness in going forward in Him, and, ultimately, approaching His throne for the job that I need to sustain myself this summer. I am no longer being guided by my own feelings of pride, consternation, or uncertainty about the future, but by the feeling that God is going to take care of my needs before they come to pass about four months from now.

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