Tuesday, January 23, 2007

Newark, New Jersey

I got some great news this past week-I finished fourth overall in the Herman selection argument, which means I made one of the traveling teams. Being on a traveling team is a great honor, especially for second-year students, so I am excited, and grateful for the opportunity.

The selection argument was pretty tough-we had to argue in front of two professors, one of whom I had this past semester for Appellate Advocacy. I was struck at how the selection argument resembled an actual Supreme Court oral argument-very little time to make your own points, because the judges (or justices, if you're up before SCOTUS) are constantly asking questions. I was very fortunate to have survived this session and advanced to the traveling team-at the beginning of the year, my goal was to compete in Herman, so the fact that I was able to surpass that says volumes about God's providence and love, since I will get to visit New Jersey and New York City for the first time (and that I am proud of my accomplishment).

I will be on the Criminal Procedure team, so that means I will be headed to the Seton Hall School of Law in Newark, New Jersey in March. It's right across the river from New York City, so I will definitely want to do a little sight-seeing if we have time. I'm still not sure how exactly the competition will work-I will have to wait to hear from the Moot Court Governing Board to find out more of the details. I will probably have more about this in a later post, when the competition dates get closer, compete with pictures.

This will be a great opportunity to get experience that will serve me well as a trial lawyer. I imagine that with Criminal Procedure, this will be a chance to get more acquainted with the rules of evidence, with the quickness of trial-making motions, objections, and the like-that will be so important later on, whether I go into litigation, criminal prosecution, or another field.

Praise God for this opportunity.

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